Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Share

Good morning friends. I have a song to share with you today. I totally forgot about this song until listening to my (okay, Todd's) iPod while on vacation last week. This is Travis Cottrell's 2000 Years and I first heard this song through Beth Moore.

Please take 4 minutes to be still and listen to this really is beautiful!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Clearing the Clutter Challenge

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a wonderful week and have something fun planned for the weekend!

Today is the second installment of my Clearing the Clutter Challenge with my friend Tana at A Caffeinated Crafter. I know I told you before that you'd most likely see scrapbooking photos for this challenge and even though I really wanted to make something else for today I stuck to scrapbooking. These photos represent our first night and beginning moments at Walt Disney World last October. It truly was a dream come true for me so I hope that these photos will reflect that! The layout is a pre-made layout that I bought last year, put together, and then let sit. I have found that, in the future, I won't actually put together the layouts prior to places photos anymore just because I may need to change the orientation of each individual photo but this one seems to work. I'll be journaling in all of the empty spaces that you see.

Now, be sure to hop over to Tana's blog to see how she cleared her clutter this week!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ups and Downs *long post*

Hello friends! I'm sure you could tell by the absence of activity on my blog that I've been gone for a little while. This will be a post of happiness and sorrow. It will also have lots of photos and long narrative...just so you know.

I know I told you that Jon was graduating from basic training/AIT and that is where we went. It was really a neat experience for me and when you add in that my son is one of the less than 1% of the people in the US that are part of the military my heart just swells with pride! He has truly followed the path he believes God has set out for him during this time in his life.

While I so enjoyed the trip and the things we got to do I did receive the news that my beloved grandpa passed away while we were gone. My dad called early last Saturday morning and I knew that was what the call was for. While my brain is so relieved that grandpa isn't hurting anymore my heart breaks for the loss of the wonderful man my grandpa was. I will be holding tight to the memories that I have of my grandpa and the legacy of love, acceptance, hard work and humor that he has left. I look forward to the day I get to see him and the other loved ones that have gone before me once again.

I have a couple of photos to share with you. The description of what they are will be beneath the photo.
This is, quite literally my last photo and memory of my grandpa. It was taken as we drove away from his house this summer. The trip was a wonderful one and only adds to my wonderful memories of him. And now, we take care of his wife, Fern.
Here is my boy, 2nd from the left closest to me, during the pass and review. I guess it is a tradition of some sort but honestly, I wasn't listening I was trying to find him to take this photo!
And here is another photo of tradition. When a man (did I just type that?) graduates from Infantry Basic Training he earns the blue braided cord for his uniform. The cord signifies to all that he is Infantry and that they are the best in the world. Okay, that isn't what they said but you get the idea! Oh, this ceremony was called Turning Blue.
Finally, is a photo of Jon and I that someone was nice enough to take for me. Good Lord, I look old! Anyway, I had a horrible time finding him in the mass of people and soldiers that are all wearing the same uniform and look the same 'til you are up close. It could also have had something to do with the fact that I thought he was 2nd platoon and he was actually 3rd. Duh, for mom!

Alright, that is it for today. If you've made it this for congrats and thank you for hanging in there. I will pass any comments made about Jon's graduation onto him. I should be back tomorrow with my Clearing the Clutter challenge project. See you then!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Going Grey with Scrap- Creations

Alright? How did we get back on Tuesday again? This month is flying right by...wouldn't you say?

Have you come back for another Going Grey with Scrap-Creations day? Well, we have a good one for ya. This week's challenge is Be Thankful. That can mean a thank you card, Thanksgiving, thankful for you or however else you may interpret that. Fun and useful, huh?

I chose to make a very simple, yet functional card. Actually, I melded this challenge in with some cards that I was asked to make by the quilting group at my church, Tabitha's Peaceful Piecemakers. Anyway, some of the members of the group are going on a mission trip to Haiti in January and they asked me to make them some cards that they could send to people that donate to their cause. Of course, I could do that! So, I pulled out my Unity Stamp Co store stamp kit from April (I think) and whipped this quick card up for them. Okay, honestly, I'm still working on them but you get the idea! do you interpret this week's challenge? Want to see what the design team made? Well, either go to the Scrap-Creations blog HERE or check them out individually from my side bar. Either way I know they are great!

It is a busy week for me so I'll probably not be back for a couple of days but when I do come back I have something neat to share with you so be sure you are checking back!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Critter Sketch Challenge

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Did you get lots accomplished?

Today I get to share a my card made for the Critter Sketch Challenge Blog. This month we are sponsored by MelJen's Designs. As I told you last time we were given some super cute images to use for these challenges (which are sketch challenges all month) and I have to say...I love them! They are all so full of character!

This time I used the Gruffy Little Gnome image and paired him with a sentiment that I've had for some time now but have not used...well, that stinks..., isn't that just too cute? Those two go so perfectly together!

Now, you need to go see what the other design team members have for you this week. You can do that over at the Critter Sketch Challenge blog or by clicking on them individually in my side bar. Either way it will be a treat! Like MelJen's Designs images? Why not participate in the challenge this week? Check it all out HERE!

Well, you all have a wonderful Monday and I'll see ya tomorrow!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday Share

This is actually the first in the series of three where Lysa TerKeurst talks with Pastor Furtick and this one is FANTASTIC! You'll love it! Have a wonderful Sunday my friends!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rock Star Max

Hello all! How has your week been going? Only one more day 'til you have big plans for the weekend?

Today I thought I'd show a fun card made with Max from The Stamping Boutique. I don't know what drew me to this but I've liked it since I saw it the first time and I finally decided I needed to make a card with it. Of course it needed to be very boyish so I pulled out some primary colored patterned paper (SU!) and a fun sentiment and commenced to making this. I thought the stars in the background were a fun addition and play on the sentiment. I tried a new set of colors (new to me) on Max's hair and really like how it came out. Not sure if I did it right but I think it looks good. I just couldn't make this guy goth so I went with light hair.

Anyway, enjoy your day...see you on Sunday for my Sunday Share!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going Grey with Scrap- Creations

Good morning! Well, here we are on another Tuesday which means it is a Going Grey with Scrap-Creations day!

Today's sponsor is Kenny K and he provided the design team with some fun Christmas images to use. I love shopping at Christmas time. It is fun to find just the perfect gift for someone that I love! With that in mind I knew I had to use this image for my card. No being a traditional green and red kind of gal I decided to choose my paper first and then color Miss Christmas Shopper to match. This paper is some retired SU! paper that I really like, probably because it isn't! If you see white on Miss Christmas Shopper just know that those spots have Illuminate Smooch on them so the card is really shimmery and fun in real life.

I have seen the other design team members cards and they are just fabulous so I hope you will take advantage of the list of my DT sisters in my side bar and go take a look. More than that...why don't you make a Christmas card and enter it into this week's challenge? Find out more HERE!

Well, there you have it friends! I hope you have a super day! I'll be back on Thursday with a fun card with an image from The Stamping Boutique. See you then!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Share

Happy Sunday to you! This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Today's video is an interesting video where Lysa TerKeurst (president of Proverbs 31 Ministries) interviews Pastor Steven Furtick (author of the book Sun Stand Still, which is on its way to my house as we speak) and asks him the question, "Is there a wrong way to pray." See what you come out of watching this video with and leave me a comment. Have a wonderful day my friends!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mice Pie

Yay, it is Saturday. We get to go to our friends commissioning ceremony today which should be really neat. He has worked really hard to get to this point so...go Jeff!

Today's card, as promised, is made with a Doodle Bug Designs image called Mice Pie. Isn't it just adorable? I just grabbed an old Fall To layout to really feature the image. Looks like that bottom mouse is a light weight and couldn't manage more than one bite, huh? LOL!

I also forgot to announce a blog candy winner of a Doodle Bug Designs image so....the winner is Rhonda from Quilt Nut Creations (who quilts and makes cute cards) who says her favorite image is the pumpkin stamp. So, Rhonda my friend, I'll send you an e-mail and make sure I know which image you would like so I can get it to you! Congrats!

Alright, this is another quickie but I have tons to accomplish yet and fun things too so...have a wonderful Saturday!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I've got to share...

Now this is some blog candy to share!

This blog candy has a bit of everything:
3 sets of acrylic stamps, stacks of paper, cardboard, bits and pieces of goodies, mirrors and magnets, some cardstock and envelopes, a few finished cards and most important a CD of Tiddly Inks images worth $ pick the ones you want up to $50. :) Wahooooo!!!!

Read more:

Clearing the Clutter Challenge

Happy Friday! I can't believe it is the end of the week already!

Today, I'm introducing a new little challenge that I've brought into my life through a friend of mine, Tana at A Caffeinated Crafter. Okay, what is funny about Tana is that she actually was the babysitter for our boys several years back and now she is married with a boy of her own! Anyway, she had mentioned on her blog that she needed to get moving with some of the projects on her desk and I thought...hmmm...I want to get moving on my scrapbooking so, a challenge (of sorts) was born. We agreed to post every other Friday a project that was sitting on our desk or that we really wanted to work on with today being the first day! Fun, huh?

So, you may NOT laugh at my scrapbook pages! I haven't actually scrapbooked in a long time and was going to take the easy way out, you know use a pre-done page, but I didn't have one that fit my photos so I kinda needed to start from scratch. I had just one 12x12 piece of Belle paper (these photos are from our trip to WDW last year...Belle is my favorite!) and a Page Maps book and got to work...thankfully there was the perfect sketch in the book. I had to alter it a bit but it worked. I made the journaling spot, title (I did some highlights with my white gel pen), flower and heart with my Cricut (Jasmine, Plantin, and Accent Essentials cartridges). Oh, and this morning I did move the journaling spot up and to the left a little as it looked like it was out in Uncle Jacks Farm by itself. Goodness, I think it is harder to scrapbook now that I have all the goodies as I just can't decide which thing I want to use! Click on the image to see a little more of the detail and the photos a little better.

I have to say that I really enjoyed making these pages and can't wait to do another set! You can expect to see those in two weeks, k?! Want to join us in Clearing the Clutter? Well, just clean finish up a project you've been working or or want to work on and link it up here so we can see and encourage you! If enough people are interested I'll add a Mr. Linky to make it easy for everyone to participate.

In the meantime I'll be back with a Doodlebug Designs card tomorrow! See you then!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Fall

Morning friends. Can you believe it is almost the end of the week already? Yikes! I've much to do and not much time to do it!

Today I have just a quick post for ya. This cute image is from The Stamping Boutique. You know me...I love a non-scary Halloween image so I had to play with this Scarecrow.

I used the sketch from Sketches by Carly for this week. You can see that HERE. The papers are from Septembers Key Ingredients Kit from Taylored Expression although I bet that she didn't in anyway think that a card like this could be made from those papers as the other side of them are completely different. It is kind of neat though.

And, guess what fun thing TSB has planned for you this weekend? Yep, a digi day. Check out below for all the info!

PCP Digi Day

Last month was our first time doing a digi image day on PCP and it went soooo well that we are doing it again, and again and again!!! We will officially be holding digi day each month on PCP. We had a great turn out and had such a blast.

This month's theme for digi day is going to be Digi's in Pink! Yep...that's right, we are going to support Breast Cancer Awareness month for our digi day this go round. I promise you will have fun, meet some new people, chat with the ones you already know, play some games, maybe get a freebie, and get to play in some great challenges for chances to win images from The Stamping Boutique.

Important Details:
~Where~The Stamping Boutique PCP forum
~When~Saturday Oct. 16th
~Time~2-4pm EST
~What to bring~fast typing fingers and your crafting mojo I said, this is a quick one. I'm back to creating. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Going Grey with Scrap- Creations

Good morning! I didn't get a card done for today's Scrap-Creations challenge so as Kyler says...FAIL! LOL! I thought I'd link you to the other ladies though so you can easily see everyone's cards and I know they are great!

Well, that is it! Enjoy all the projects and have a wonderful day everyone!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Critter Sketch Challenge Day

Good morning all! What a wonderful birthday weekend I had! Between lunch at the Space Needle, a laid back day at home, and an incredible dinner with friends plus other activities over the week it was SO fun! Thank you to my husband for making it so special! And, thank you to everyone for your sweet birthday wishes!

Onto is my first post for the Critter Sketch Challenge. This month is a sketch challenge month so each weeks challenge is a sketch know that is right up my alley, right?! This month's sponsor is MelJen and with that sponsorship the design team got some seriously sweet images to play with, one being this super cute Night Time Bear. I decided that my card needed to be on the clean and simple side and a little more masculine...did I do it? It was very fun to color this sweet bear!

Anyway, head on over to the Critter Sketch Challenge blog to see what the sketch is and what everyone else has created, I know they will all be amazing!

Please know I may be posting a little less this week but I will be here, I promise so please check back!

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Share

Not sure if I've shared this with you before but this is a fun song by Go favorite kids band, okay other than Veggie Tales. Enjoy and have a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hmmm...what's good about 41?

Yep, that's is my birthday! Birthday's have always been special to me. As you know I'm very close to my grandparents and they used to come up to our house (4 1/2 hour drive) for my birthday. We'd have a bon fire, a birthday meal, and some cake. This went on well into my 20's although as I got older (and my grandparents got older) they weren't able to come every single year.

Several years ago, I had a major thing happen in my life and became a widow the day after my 30th birthday...yeah, it was horrible. I thought that day would overshadow everything that had been good about my birthday and for several years it did but God is good and gave me an incredible family to help me work through that and an even more incredible, patient, and loving husband that celebrates my birthdays with me now!

Mostly, what is good about 41 is that God has blessed me with an amazing life. Have there been hard times...absolutely but He has been with me through every single one of them and because of Him, I know I will get to see my family and friends in heaven when my Father calls me home. It is an incredible promise that I wish all could know and accept. If you have questions about my faith or any faith please e-mail me or leave a message here (or call me if you have my number).

And, today...thank you to my very sweet husband and boys who will make my day (and really this entire last week) so special for me!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sami and her pumpkin

And here we are at Friday...can you believe it? The weeks are just flying by so quickly!

Today's fun card features Sami from The Stamping Boutique. Sami was the super cute image you got for bringing a Frankie card to the digi day on Sept 25th. Isn't she adorable? I did cut her out but the entire image is so cute! The paper is from Cosmo Cricket and I found this layout on the Scrapbook & Cards Today Blog for WCMD and, actually, there are several great sketches there to use. So I'm a little late but the layout is something that can be used again and again! I have to tell you that I had absolutely a blast coloring and shading this image. I think it is the purple and clogs...are they adorable? (I think I said that already!) Although, I do have to say if this were my daughter I'd tell her to cover up her tummy! LOL!

Anyway, today is a busy one for me so I'm off for the day. I hope you have a wonderful one!

Don't forget to check out my blog candy offering at the post below!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Digital Stamp Company!

Woohoo friends! I get to introduce you to a super fun new digi stamp company today. You will absolutely need to go visit Doodle Bug Designs! Both of my cards today are made with images from this store, drawn by the wonderful Melissa Duess. Melissa is not only a great artist but a super sweet lady that I know you will love! Melissa has Halloween, Fall, Girlie, Winter and more for images so I'm sure you'll find something that you'll love! what you see? Well, how about a little contest then? Go over to the Doodle Bug Designs store, look around and then come back here to tell me which is your favorite image. One winner will win their favorite image from me! I KNOW!! How can you resist? If I get more than 20 people that comment with their favorite image I will pick TWO people to win!

So go...look around and come back to leave a comment. I'll draw the winner Sunday evening around 8 p.m. so please enter by then and let you know the winner on my Monday morning post. Have fun!

PS: The cute witch card is made with one of the Verve WCMD sketches...of course because you know I love their sketches!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Winter In The City

Morning friends! Oh, has been quite the struggle to get a good photo of my cards the last couple of days, hence the late post today but at least I'm here, right?

I bought the MFT VIP kit about a week ago and in that kit was the Winter In The City stamp set. What I didn't know is that I was getting it in advance of the general sales to the public can order this set on MFT's website starting this evening. Fun, huh?

Anyway, this is my first holiday card of the year. Frankly, I had decided I am not going to make many Christmas cards this year so I was trying to hold off but I love this image. Looking at it, though, it doesn't need to be just for the holidays so I'm going to have to try it in other ways too. The paper I used for this card is some retired SU! paper and the card is made with the Mojo Monday sketch. It is probably hard to see but I made some lines in the skirt so it would look like it is pleated and then used Smooch on the snow and the white portions of the jacket.

So, a short but sweet blog post today. I hope your week is going well and I'll see ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Think Pink!

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you made it though your Monday with a smile on your face!

Today, is Think Pink day at Going Grey with Scrap-Creations Challenges and what a fun day it is indeed. Anything pink, anything goes! Today's sponsor is Tiddly Inks. What a fun store they have. I was quite surprised when I saw this beautiful image called Dare To Be Aware with matching background paper. It was love at first site for sure and oh so appropriate as I found out a couple of weeks ago that one of my friends mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer so this is in the mail to her.

Before you ask or tell me what a good job I did...I DID NOT color this image. It comes with the set either colored or black and white and I chose the colored version for this card.

I hope you will join us for our Think Pink challenge this week and be sure to check out the rest of the design team members blogs as ALL of their creations are just incredible! Oh, and this card also works for the Stamp and Create challenge of the month which is to create a breast cancer awareness card.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Guess What? That's right! I made the Critter Challenge Blog Design Team! I am so excited about this team! I will be posting a challenge card for you every other Monday starting October 11th. I'd love to take this time to go ahead and introduce the rest of the design team to you so I'll link you to them in this post and then link you to them in my side bar as well!

I hope that you will all come back and check out what the challenges have for you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Farmer AJ

Good afternoon everyone and Happy Friday! Today is October 1st...can you believe it? Just a few more weeks until we see Jon and just a few more days until my birthday. FUN!

Today I made a fun pumpkin box (the svg is from MFT) and decorated it with AJ the Farmer and some super cute 3-d pumpkins. Since the box was cut with my Cricut this was super simple to make and I love that. Isn't AJ adorable in his overalls and you know he loves frogs!

Not sure what this will be for but when I saw this pumpkin box I knew AJ would be perfect!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend! See you in a couple of days for my Sunday share.