Like I said yesterday I found a neat challenge on SCS and basically you do your scrapbook page in four part each Tuesday so this week sometime I'll add to this page for part two and share with you next Tuesday. This photo is the view from our room in Cabo and the little inset photo is a picture of our room. Yep, we had it pretty perfect! There were four instruction for this round the background paper, the main picture, the vertical element on the left and the small photo. Seems easy (and it was) but I'm nervous about what I'll have to do to that beautiful big photo! So HERE is the link to the challenge again. I'd love it if you wanted to play along with us! Comment here so I know and can check on your progress!
Well, that is it for today...oh, wait! I want to share something that a friend of mine is doing. My friend, Sarah, lost her son 3 year old son three years ago. Out of that tragedy was born a series of kids books based on the bed time stories that Henry and his parents would share. As you'll read in THIS BLOG POST it is time for them to start moving those books off the shelf hence the reason I'm telling you about this. I hope you'll take the time to head on over to Sarah's blog and ready the entire story of the books and Henry and while you are there click on over to purchase a book or two or three OR if you don't have little children anymore you can purchase a book for donation, too...that is what I did! Go check it out, k? Please share this with your friends, too!
Alright, now I'm out. Have a fantastic day!
what a neat idea!! Can't wait to see the finished page!!
What a view! Gorgeous pictures. If I were going to scrapbook this would be a great way for me to start out. Just a little at a time. LOL! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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