Monday, October 5, 2015

October has arrived...

Good morning friends!  'Tis the time of year where Halloween is everywhere (and yes, I know Christmas stuff is out too but lets not talk of that, okay?) so I've started making some fun gifting ideas for my Facebook gift group (please feel free to ask for entrance into the group and let me make your treats, cards, and gifts just for you!).  Today I share a card with you.  I don't know about you but I like to send cards to my grandparents that live pretty far away and also I have a couple of nieces that love to get cards in the mail so I guess I have a few more to make, huh?  Anyway, here is the first of several cards that I'll have for sale in my shop:
This card was super fun to make and I really enjoyed coloring it!  So, I made an error and forgot to finish something before I took a photo of this...can you find it?  I just had to laugh at myself.  I have corrected it and it is all set to go now!

Alright, have a wonderful Monday friends!

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