Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Congrats and Happy Birthday!

Good morning all! I will get to the Happy Birthday in a second here first to show you the Grad Hat Card.

This is another SVG (and I have another to show you on Saturday) that I got from My Scrap Chick. If you have a Cricut (or other cutting machine) and SCAL or MTC you should either follow My Scrap Chick's blog or subscribe to her newsletter as each week you get a free SVG from her and this grad hat card was one of them. I think it was from about a month ago. In all honesty I own quite a few of her SVG's. I don't use as many as I own but I do love them all and find them to be a great value! I made three of these hats this year...one red with black (it is actually not that red, more crimson) and two black with red. It is interesting but I find using my Cricut really fun recently so I think you'll be seeing more made with at least some elements cut from my Cricut.

What about the birthday? Well, today is not only Flag Day, if you have a flag it should be flying today unless it is raining, it is the Army's 236th Birthday! From THIS website...

Two hundred and thirty-six years ago, the United States Army was established to defend our Nation. From the Revolutionary War to the current operations taking place around the world, our Soldiers remain Army Strong with a deep commitment to our core values and beliefs. This 236th birthday commemorates America’s Army – Soldiers, Families and Civilians – who are achieving a level of excellence that is truly Army Strong. Being Army Strong goes beyond physical endurance and mental preparedness. It encompasses an indomitable spirit, and high ethical and moral values. These are not only desirable traits in a person, but in a Nation that wishes to live up to the ideals and vision of its founders. We are “America’s Army: The Strength of the Nation."

Happy Birthday Army!


Donna said...

Cute grad hat card! I went and signed up at My Scrap Chick to get the free svgs. I haven't used my Cricut much since I got it at Christmas but after day camp next week I hope to work with it a bit more. Life just doesn't seem to slow down much. Happy birthday Army. My flag is flying today! Big hugs to you!

Patti J said...

Don't have, but girl, I sure enjoy looking at your creations!!! Keep them coming :) Thanks for always remembering our soldiers and holidays that so many have forgotten! Hugs...

Missy said...

this is a great card. I do love the idea of a cutting machine but for now it is going to have to wait.
Yes, Happy Flag Day!!! Mine is flying and certainly getting whipped around in the wind but i am keeping a close eye on it.
And Happy Birthday to the Army!!! I can't believe it has been around that long.

Creative Mish said...

Great grad cap... and thanks for the video.. I have a Silhouette SD... which i just purchased last week... Hhmmm wondering if the SVG file work on that? I'll have to go look at her website and read more about it.

Dani said...

Great card! Love that cap, I must have missed that week. :)

I left our flag at the other house when we moved(by accident). I wonder if it would be wrong to go knock on the door and ask for it? lol! Or, I could just go get a new one.